Data loggers
Quality control with temperature monitoring in health care
Accurate monitoring of temperatures in pharmacies, hospitals and laboratories is a vital part of quality control. Sensitive products require special attention to temperature fluctuations, and their improper storage or transportation can cause significant financial losses. Temperature management plays a key role in the entire supply chain.
PDF data loggers: Easy and effortless temperature reporting
The problem is often the installation of reporting programs for temperature loggers, which may require root user rights. This can make it difficult to print reports and limit their availability only on the computers of the sending organization. As a solution, we offer PDF data loggers that enable the printing of reports without a separate program at every stage of the supply chain.
Intelligent temperature control with Bluetooth loggers
In addition, we offer loggers based on Bluetooth technology, which enable temperature monitoring of shipments without opening the package. Our customer service is ready to help you find the right solution for your needs. Contact us and we will make sure together that your temperature monitoring is efficient and effortless.
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Our selection of data loggers

TREL30-16 + PT10 sensor
- Especially designed for monitoring the temperature of the distribution chain of vaccines and medicines
- Temperature limits -90 C to + 40 C
- Ready-calibrated smart temperature logger
- Easy-to-read LCD display with 30-day summary.
- Replaceable battery
- Built-in audible alarm
- Programming LTI-HID in a rack that connects to a computer.
- Sensor with either 0.5 m or 3 m cable
Product brochure
Instructions in English
Instructions for the pre-programmed logger

LogTag TRED30-16R
- External temperature sensor
- Audible alarm
- LCD display, with 30 day summary
- Protection class: IP61
- -40 C to + 99 C
- Memory capacity of up to 15,900 reading points
- Replaceable battery (3V CR2032)

Dry Ice loggers
- For monitoring dry ice transport.
- Measure and store up to 8000 temperature readings at temperatures (-80°C to +40°C)
- One Trip (SRIL-8)
- Many journeys (TRIL-8)
- The TREL-8 logger has the option of using an external sensor.

UTRID-16 temperature logger
- USB connector
- Built-in memory and LCD display
- The measured temperatures and alarms can be viewed on the LCD screen
- No need for separate hardware or software to print or save reports
- Automatic PDF report
- Saving the report on a computer or printing it on paper
- Real-time temperature monitoring -25 °C to +70 °C
- Displays the alarm limit values set by the user
- The LCD screen informs you of overruns
- Excellent for monitoring individual refrigerators and refrigerated shipments

UTRIX-16 temperature logger
- USB connector, built-in memory
- easy connection to the computer
- Automatic PDF report, saving or printing
- Real-time temperature monitoring -25 °C to +70 °C
- Shows the set alarm limit values
- Especially suitable for monitoring refrigerators and refrigerated shipments

UTRED-16F lämpötilaloggeri
- USB-liitin, sisäänrakennettu muisti
- helppo liitäntä tietokoneeseen
- Automaattinen PDF-raportti, tallennus tai tulostus
- Reaaliaikainen lämpötilanseuranta -40 °C - +90 °C
- Näyttää asetetut hälytysraja-arvot
- Soveltuu erityisesti jääkaappien ja pakastimien seurantaan
- Ulkoinen PT100 anturi (ST100J-15)

Senseanywhere® data loggers
SenseAnywhere manufactures highly accurate, easy-to-use and long-lasting data loggers that enable fully automated temperature monitoring during storage or transport of heat-sensitive products.

- Real-time digital measurements with alarm functions
- Monitor temperatures from -40°C to +70°C
- Very accurate measurements (± 0.1°C)
- 10-year battery life - 1 million measurements
- Humidity range: 0 to 99% RH, non-condensing
- The AiroSensor 20-20-43 can be easily
connects to different modules

AiroSensor with external module
- Real-time digital measurements with alarm functions
- All measured values in one system
- Monitor temperatures from -200°C to +200°C
- Modules for connecting your own 4-wire Pt100, industry standard analog sensors that produce 4-20mA or 0-10V.

- A reliable plug-and-play device
Connects the AiroSensors to the SenseAnywhere cloud service - Compliance: CE, EN300328, EN55022 (868 MHz) FCC, IC (915 MHz)
- Different versions of AccessPoints are available for different applications
- No restrictions on the number of AiroSensors

- AssetTag
- SwitchHolder
- Extension Cable
- Magnetic Holder
- Weather Instrument Shelter
- Protective Cap and Lock Clip

Elpro® Cx PDF data logger product series
Track thousands of cold chain shipments in the simplest and fastest way possible without installation or configuration. ELPRO's tested PDF compartment family covers the entire range of life sciences monitoring products in transport, including refrigerated, room temperature, dry ice, humidity and cryogenic products.

Libero CL
PDF logger with USB and Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) interface and internal temperature sensor
- Measuring range: -30 °C to +70 °C
- Parameters: Temperature
- Area of use: Multipurpose
- PDF report: Alarm statistics and graph
- Alarm: 8 temperature zones
- Reading: USB or Bluetooth®
- Shelf life: 14 months - 2 years
- Battery: Button battery (IATA compatible)
- GAMP5 validated
- FDA 21 CFR 11 compliant
- Free calibration certificate
- Application: iOS and Android

Libero CE
PDF logger with USB and Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) interface for external Pt100 temperature sensor
- Measuring range: -200 °C to +400 °C
- Parameters: Temperature
- Versatile
- PDF report: Alarm statistics and graph
- Alarm: 8 temperature zones
- Reading: USB or Bluetooth®
- Shelf life: 14 months - 2 years
- Battery: Button battery (IATA compatible)
- GAMP5 validated
- FDA 21 CFR 11 compliant
- Free calibration certificate
- Application: iOS and Android

Libero CH
PDF logger with USB and Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) interface and internal temperature sensor
- Measuring range: -30 °C to +70 °C, 0% RH to 100% RH
- Parameters: Temperature, Humidity
- Versatile
- PDF report: Alarm statistics and graph
- Alarm: 8 temperature zones, 2 humidity thresholds
- Reading: USB or Bluetooth®
- Shelf life: 14 months - 2 years
- Battery: Button battery (IATA compatible)
- GAMP5 validated
- FDA 21 CFR 11 compliant
- Free calibration certificate
- Application: iOS and Android

DeltaTrak® -lämpömittarit
Vahvista kylmäketjua innovatiivisilla kokonaisratkaisuilla, jotka hyödyntävät teknologiaa yhdistääkseen toimittajat, asiakkaat ja välittäjät reaaliaikaisen näkyvyyden kautta.

DeltaTrak 12215
- Sertifioitu lämpömittari ammattikäyttöön
- Mittausväli 10 s
- Iso LCD näyttö, min/maks
- Hälytysääni & Valo
- Sisäinen lämpömittari -10 C - + 50 C
- Ulkoinen lämpömittari -50 C - + 70 C
- Ulkoinen anturi glykoli pullossa (ei turhia hälytyksiä)
- Tarkkuus +/- 0,5 C
- Vaihdettava paristo
- Valmistaja sertifikaatti

DeltaTrak 12217
- Mitta-alue -50°C - 70°C
- Erittäin tarkka jopa ± 1°F (±0.5°C)
- Korkeat/matalat hälytysasetukset
- Vähimmäis-/enimmäismuisti tallentaa alimmat/korkeimmat lukemat
- Stereojack-kullattu liitin vähentää virheellisiä lukemia
- Jumbo LCD-näyttö
- Vaihdettava °F/°C-asteikko
- Tylppä anturi anturilla, jossa on 10 jalan (3 metrin) kestävä kaapeli
- Voimakas magneettikiinnitys ja taittuva tuki
- Säilyttää asetukset pariston vaihdon aikana
- Konfiguroitavat viivehälytykset äänimerkillä ja/tai vilkkuvalla valolla
- Yli 1 vuosi jatkuvaa seurantaa

DeltaTrak 12207
- Sertifioitu lämpömittari ammattikäyttöön
- Mittausväli 10 s
- Iso LCD näyttö, min/maks
- Hälytysääni & Valo
- Sisäinen lämpömittari -10 C - + 50 C
- Ulkoinen lämpömittari -50 C - + 70 C
- Ulkoinen anturi glykoli pullossa (ei turhia hälytyksiä)
- Tarkkuus +/- 0,5 C
- Vaihdettava paristo
- Valmistaja sertifikaatti