Clinical chemistry

Clinical chemistry analyzer for ammonia concentration
- Light and compact construction
- Test results available in two minutes
- Suitable for immediate analysis
- Accurate blood ammonia results
- Wide measurement range limitation
- Data export and printing via USB port
- Built-in barcode scanner
- Weight only 1.2 kg

Dry chemistry analyzer, versatile testing of clinical chemistry parameters:
- Built-in automated pipetting system
- No need for calibration or water requirements
- 26 colorimetric tests and 3 electrolyte tests
- A simple three-step procedure
- User-friendly touch screen
- No pretreatment is required
- Only 10 microL/sample
- Automatic dilution

The NX700 dry chemistry analyzer offers the ability to run tests on five samples simultaneously.
- Built-in automated pipetting system
- No need for calibration or water requirements
- Easy to use
- 26 colorimetric tests and 3 electrolyte tests
- A simple three-step procedure
- User-friendly touch screen
- No pretreatment is required
- Only 10 micro/L sample
- Automatic dilution

RX analyzers
With Randox's wide range of tests and versatile analyzers, the RX series continues to revolutionize patient testing in a variety of laboratories, including clinical laboratories, universities and research institutes, veterinary laboratories and food and wine laboratories.

RX Test Selection
Randox's leading RX Series test portfolio includes routine chemistry tests for specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, intoxicants, antioxidants and diabetes testing.

RX series brochure
Read more about Randox's market-leading RX series in the form of a brochure.

Instruchemie® is a Dutch company manufacturing diagnostic and biotechnology products, specializing in the development, production and sale of various reagents, standards and controls used in medicine, industry and environmental laboratories.

Selection 2023
Instruchemie®'s product range consists of top-quality diagnostic and biotechnology products such as reagents, standards and controls.

Trinity BioTech®
Trinity Biotech® on yritys, joka erikoistuu kliinisen kemian tuotteiden kehittämiseen, valmistukseen ja markkinointiin.

Trinity biotech®
ACE reagents
Trinity Biotech's ACE reagents are designed for use in kinetic-based determination of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) activity in serum or plasma.

Diagnostic reagents, standards, calibrators and controls for the quantitative in vitro determination of subtype substances, enzymes and electrolytes in human serum, plasma or urine by photometric systems.

Multipurpose reagent kits
Diagnostic reagents filled in multipurpose bottles. Suitable for all open clinical analyzers.

System packages
Diagnostic reagents filled in specific system bottles for different equipment.